on the home front   Leave a comment


City home involved in raid that netted $500,000 in pot

A Brantford home was part of raids that netted police more than $500,000 worth of marijuana.   The home on Garden Avenue was owned by one of four people arrested by Hamilton police vice and drug unit during raids in that city on Wednesday.    Police raided two homes in Hamilton and recovered nearly 500 marijuana plants.   At the Brantford home, police found 80 marijuana plants.   The four accused, three from Hamilton and one from Brantford, face charges of possession, cultivating and trafficking.    http://www.brantfordexpositor.ca/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=1393467


the cops were here in my complex the other night to arrest one karen quickshank, for robery, i am told in relation to a matter attached to a bridget, i have refrenced, who stole cell phones it is believed,  from a couple of bible guys, in the complex, one who lives beside the alter boy at st lukes, who i believe is gay (rev mario related ) , in a matter related to crack, ; i have posted to these bible guys and the conversation i had with a cop on the matter ; and that their cell phone might be in the gay guys appartment, a crack dealer to ; you know him marg james, like you know them all ; i just met all this human complications ; 

Posted January 19, 2009 by arthur2rcasc in Uncategorized

bev   Leave a comment



Infidel was first used in Middle English circa 1460 (adjective, noun), from the Middle French infidèle, and from Latin infidelis "unfaithful," later "unbelieving", in the 15c. meaning "a non-Christian" (especially a Saracen); later "one who does not believe in religion" (1526).

Deists typically reject most supernatural events (prophecy, miracles) and tend to assert that God (or "The Supreme Architect") has a plan for the universe which he does not alter either by intervening in the affairs of human life or suspending the natural laws of the universe. What organized religions see as divine revelation and holy books, most deists see as interpretations made by other humans, rather than as authoritative sources.

 shamos ; your friends have fingered up to assist you, and red coated up ; what is wrong with canada am ; a deliberate ;
pieces of shit do flock together
de·ism   (dē’ĭz’əm, dā’-)  
n.   The belief, based solely on reason, in a God who created the universe and then abandoned it, assuming no control over life, exerting no influence on natural phenomena, and giving no supernatural revelation.  [French déisme, from Latin deus, god; see dyeu- in Indo-European roots.]    de’ist n., de·is’tic adj., de·is’ti·cal·ly adv.   http://www.reference.com/search?q=Deists
The Declaration of Independence gives us important insight into the opinions of the Founding Fathers. Thomas Jefferson wrote that the power of the government is derived from the governed. Up until that time, it was claimed that kings ruled nations by the authority of God. The Declaration was a radical departure from the idea of divine authority.   http://freethought.mbdojo.com/foundingfathers.html
the raven calls to me ; or as i have called it the crow ; it warns me to things ; i spoke that one would sit by the "base camp" were but i set the stone in mud, with the letters rsac on it ; were but the bridge liken the three sisters sit ;
Wolf Daganau,  British Columbia, I met You In That Place, You were Friends With Gary Moorehead, My concerns in B.C.  to my Dad, and he (moorehead) was a major player in the coke trade in B.C. at the time,  that  I was there,  and well known by RCMP serious crime unit ( q. smith, rick larson ) ; you claimed to be of the black watch,  and were the one who planted the hatchet in the counter ; at the house that they took lenny from in front of me to be killed ; you and i had a disagreement,  and thus you drew the axe ; did i stand down ? no !!!  and the bridge that caught fire is near were lenny droped the 12 guage shot gun off ; i took the rcmp there ;  my dad lived near the port mann at dog wood camp grounds ;
 ONCE upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,—
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
"’T is some visitor," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door;
Only this and nothing more."

~ Edgar Allan Poe – The Raven ~
and i did say i had white ones to ; i did

The Black Watch, 3rd Battalion, Royal Regiment of Scotland (3 SCOTS) is an infantry battalion of the Royal Regiment of Scotland.

Prior to 28 March 2006, the Black Watch was an infantry regiment in its own right; The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) from 1931 to 2006, and The Royal Highland Regiment (The Black Watch) from 1881 to 1931. Part of the Scottish Division, it was the senior regiment of Highlanders. The regiment’s name came from the dark tartan that they wore and from its role to "watch" the Highlands. "Black Watch" was originally a nickname for the 42nd (Royal Highland) Regiment of Foot, but was used more and more so that, in 1881, when the 42nd amalgamated with the 73rd Regiment of Foot, the new regiment was named "The Royal Highland Regiment (The Black Watch)", with The Black Watch becoming the regiment’s official designation in 1931. The uniform changed over time, but the nickname has been more enduring. The regimental motto was Nemo me impune lacessit (no man provokes me with impunity). The Royal Stewart Tartan is worn by the battalion’s Pipes and Drums due the royal designation. Six independent companies were first formed from 1725 to stop fighting among the clans.   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Watch

Several songs from the album were recorded live in concert, with applause edited out. The only songs recorded entirely in the studio were the first two tracks, "The Great Deceiver" and "Lament". "We’ll Let You Know" was an improvisational piece recorded in Glasgow. "The Mincer" was another improv, recorded in Zürich and overdubbed in the studio. "Trio", "Fracture", and "Starless and Bible Black" were recorded at the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, as was the introduction to "The Night Watch" (the remainder was recorded in the studio). The complete Amsterdam Concertgebouw concert was released by the band in 1997 as The Night Watchhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starless_and_Bible_Black    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Great_Deceiver_(King_Crimson)

David Cross (born April 23, 1948) is an electric violinist born in Plymouth, England, best known for playing with progressive rock band King Crimson during the 1970s (particularly on Larks’ Tongues in Aspic, Starless and Bible Black and Red). He also plays keyboards and Mellotron.   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Cross_(musician)

The lyrics were composed by Richard Palmer-James, byname of Supertramp guitarist Richard Palmer. Only four tracks on this album have lyrics. The Great Deceiver refers to The Devil and is an ironic commentary on commercialism and is the only lyric written with Fripp[1]. Lament is about fame. The Night Watch is a short essay on Rembrandt‘s painting of the same name, describing the painting as an observer sees it and attempting to understand the subjects.[1]

Judaism  Main article: Satan   In Judaism there is no concept of a devil like in mainstream Christianity or Islam. In Hebrew, the biblical word ha-satan (שָׂטָן) means "the adversary"[2] or the obstacle, or even "the prosecutor" (recognizing that God is viewed as the ultimate Judge).  In the book of Job (Iyov), ha-satan is the title, not the proper name, of an angel submitted to God; he is the divine court’s chief prosecutor. In Judaism ha-satan does not make evil, rather points out to God the evil inclinations and actions of humankind. In essence ha-satan has no power unless humans do evil things. After God points out Job’s piety, ha-satan asks for permission to test the faith of Job. The righteous man is afflicted with loss of family, property, and later, health, but he still stays faithful to God. At the conclusion of this book God appears as a whirlwind, explaining to all that divine justice is inscrutable. In the epilogue Job’s possessions are restored and he has a second family to "replace" the one that died.  In the Torah, ha-satan is mentioned several times. The main time is during the incident of the golden calf. As the source of people’s evil inclination, or yetser harah, he is responsible for the Israelites building the golden calf while Moses was on Mount Sinai receiving the Torah from God. In the book of 1 Chronicles 21:1, ha-satan incites David to an unlawful census.  In fact, the Book of Isaiah, Job, Ecclesiastes, and Deuteronomy all have passages in which God is credited for exercising sovereign control over both good and evil.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Devil

Infidel (literally "one without faith") is an English word meaning "one who doubts or rejects central tenets of a religion or has no religious beliefs", especially in reference to Christianity or Islam.    In Christianity the term was traditionally used by the Roman Catholic Church to refer to one who did not believe in the divinity of Jesus, knowingly held beliefs that contradicted Catholic dogma, or one who had not been baptized,   or by Christians in general to describe non-Christians or those perceived as enemies of Christianity, including Muslims  Current English speaking Catholic ecclesiastical usage however distinguishes between non-Christians and non-believers (persons without religious affiliations or beliefs).   The Arabic word kafir (literally the one who "covers", in the sense of hiding) is the Muslim term for an infidel.    The term technically applies only to atheists and polytheists and to those who subscribe to faiths other than Christianity, Judaism and Zorastrianism    In common use, however, the term is also applied to Christians, especially in English fiction and poetry    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infidel

Posted January 19, 2009 by arthur2rcasc in RSAC RELIGION

good morning ; one story into 3 stories and 3 stories lead to one in many   Leave a comment

father in heaven ;
i shall start this am with a continuation of my cardinal story from yesterday ; i had laid down yesterday afternoon so i missed the entire game ;  a touch of the flu bug maybe has creeped in on me ?  it was a good game what i got to see ; 
3 + 2 + 2 + 5 = 12  –  1 + 2 = 3
 11 = 3 in binary arithmetic. 3 makes the cornerstones of the Trinity or pyramid
11  X  3  =  33
Fitzgerald, whose only appearance at an NFC championship game prior to this was as a 15-year-old Minnesota Vikings ball boy, tied a conference championship record with three TD receptions.
It was a game of big plays and special moments, but the lasting image of the Arizona Cardinals’ 32-25 victory over the Eagles in yesterday’s NFC championship game, a snapshot of why they are headed to the Super Bowl, may be the sight of defensive back Quintin Demps swiping vainly at the legs of Larry Fitzgerald as the Cards’ star receiver stumbled past him into the end zone on a 62-yard scoring catch.   http://www.thestar.com/Sports/Football/article/573330

SS Edmund Fitzgerald (nicknamed "Mighty Fitz," "The Fitz," or "The Big Fitz" or "The Drunken Fitz") was an American Great Lakes freighter launched on 8 June 1958. Until the 1970s, she was the largest ship on the Great Lakes.  Although it had reported having some difficulties during a gale on Lake Superior, the Fitzgerald sank suddenly on 10 November 1975 in 530 feet (162 m) of water without sending any distress signals. The site of the loss is at  46°59.9′N 85°06.6′W / 46.9983, -85.11, in Canadian waters approximately 17 miles (15 nmi; 27 km) from the entrance to Whitefish Bay. All 29 hands in the crew perished, presumably by drowning. The incident is the most famous disaster in the history of Great Lakes shipping,[2] and is the subject of Gordon Lightfoot’s hit song, "The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald".  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS_Edmund_Fitzgerald

 The Minnesota Department of Health has launched a study to determine whether taconite fibers and dust can cause or exacerbate lung conditions such as mesothelioma and asbestosis which occur following asbestos exposure. Because asbestos was common in the taconite mining and processing industry, the study will attempt to determine what, if any, influence taconite fibers may have played. This will be the second study of the issue that the MDH has conducted. A 2003 study of taconite miners concluded that the most likely cause of 14 of the 17 cases of mesothelioma was contact with asbestos. However, since the conclusion of that study, 35 additional cases of the disease have been diagnosed. Mesothelioma occurs at twice the expected rate in the region of Minnesota known as the Iron Range. [1]
  looks like the brantford armories ?
Mariners’ Church of Detroit (Free and Independent) is a parish in the Anglican tradition. Mariners is part of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, originally founded by its benefactor and board to be a special mission to the maritime travelers of the Great Lakes. Now both a parish and mission, the permanent connection to the Apostolic Church is carefully maintained through traditional Anglican bishops and priests consecrated and ordained in faithful succession. Although often served by Episcopal priests as contracted by its board, Mariners Church has never been under the Episcopal Church USA; and this stance was validated by the courts in the 1990’s.Mariners was established in 1842 and incorporated in the state of Michigan in 1848. Dubbed "the Maritime Sailors’ Cathedral" by Gordon Lightfoot, the Church uses the 1662 and American 1928 editions of the Book of Common Prayer.

The Church of England considers itself to be both Catholic and Reformed:

Saint Irenaeus (Greek: Ειρηναίος), (2nd century AD – c. 202) was Bishop of Lugdunum in Gaul, then a part of the Roman Empire (now Lyons, France). He was an early church father and apologist, and his writings were formative in the early development of Christian theology. He was a disciple of Saint Polycarp, who was said to be a disciple of Saint John the Evangelist

 The Tridentine Calendar also had on 6 May a feast of "St John before the Latin Gate", associated with a tradition recounted by Saint Jerome that St John was brought to Rome during the reign of the Emperor Domitian, and was thrown in a vat of boiling oil, from which he was miraculously preserved unharmed. A church, San Giovanni a Porta Latina, dedicated to him was built near the Latin Gate (Porta Latina) of Rome, the traditional scene of this event.  The feast is supposed to commemorate the dedication of this church, and
is first mentioned in the Sacramentary of Adrian I (772-95). Pope John XXIII removed this feast from the General Roman Calendar in 1960, along with various other second feasts of a single saint.    St. John the Evangelist is (along with St. John the Baptist) a Patron Saint of the fraternal society of Free and Accepted Masons (better known as the Freemasons)   Christian art usually represents St John with an eagle, symbolizing the heights to which he rises in the first chapter of his Gospel. The chalice as symbolic of St John, which, according to some authorities, was not adopted until the thirteenth century, is sometimes interpreted with reference to the Last Supper, again as connected with the legend according to which St. John was handed a cup of poisoned wine, from which, at his blessing, the poison rose in the shape of a serpent. Perhaps the most natural explanation is to be found in the words of Christ to John and James "My chalice indeed you shall drink" (Matthew 20:23).
 20  Then came to him the mother of Zebedees children with her sons, worshipping him, and desiring a certain thing of him.   21  And he said unto her, What wilt thou? She saith unto him, Grant that these my two sons may sit, the one on thy right hand, and the other on the left, in thy kingdom.   22  But Jesus answered and said, Ye know not what ye ask. Are ye able to drink of the cup that I shall drink of, and to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with? They say unto him, We are able.   23  And he saith unto them, Ye shall drink indeed of my cup, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with: but to sit on my right hand, and on my left, is not mine to give, but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared of my Fatherhttp://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?version=9&search=Matthew+20:20-23

Posted January 19, 2009 by arthur2rcasc in rsac religion politics

computer   Leave a comment

moify program ; intensify activity ; format increase to an intensified rate ; all three elements ; eart, wind, and fire ;
v876.435.f3r ;

Posted January 19, 2009 by arthur2rcasc in RSAC RELIGION

dad ; wooden trusses ; the cross ;   Leave a comment

you will be late for work monday unless you find another bridge ;   I see the faggot rcmp on the tv news can’t hear  ;
still wearing that hat and crown ; like the faggot cops in kitchener news also,  and the faggot opp either ;
the time differance from ontario to british columbia ?  4 hours ; i wonder if these morons realize, the queens law, is differant than g’ds law ?  or do they still think the queen is g’d ;  after they stop passing jesus back and forth from rome (italy) to rome (england) we can get this matter settled and the crusifiction can take place ; 0000 plus or minus one
they are not going to listen to you, or to me ;  they are still in denial ;  the crown please ;

METRO VANCOUVER — Commuters crossing the Fraser River can expect longer line-ups and further delays after a suspicious fire Sunday shut down the Pattullo Bridge for at least a month, diverting its 80,000 daily users.  TransLink spokesman Ken Hardie urged commuters to leave earlier for work and consider carpooling, predicting overcrowded conditions on the Port Mann and Alex Fraser bridges and George Massey Tunnel, as well long waits for buses and the SkyTrain system.   The bridge, which connects Surrey and New Westminster, serves about 20 per cent of the traffic capacity south of the Fraser and will be closed to pedestrians and cyclists as well as motorists.   Surrey firefighters were called to the Pattullo Bridge at about 3 a.m.   Sunday after motorists reported seeing smoke and flames billowing up from some an 18-metres span of wooden trestles supporting the south end of the crossing.   For most of Sunday, firefighters tended to the hot spots on the trestles, which were still emitting smoke eight hours after it was reported.   Surrey fire department Staff Sgt. Bruce Anderson said arson is suspected but hasn’t been confirmed. “As in any fire, we go in acting as if it’s suspicious, but there’s a lot of rumours about how this started.”

i don’t know but that flag looks like the flag on us aircraft carrier  "bush" just dedicated ; must investigate that ;

(CNN) Seven French soldiers were killed when their military helicopter crashed off the coast of Gabon, the country’s official news agency said Sunday.   Two French soldiers survived the Saturday night crash, the agency said. French Defense Minister Herve Morin arrived in Gabon’s capital of Libreville on Sunday and met with President Omar Bongo to coordinate recovery efforts for the body of one of the seven soldiers whose remains had not been found.  According to the French minister, "the cause of this tragedy remains unknown. It may be natural or human, or a combination of both." Divers were inspecting the helicopter, which was in water 35 meters (about 115 feet) deep, Morin said.  http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/africa/01/18/gabon.copter.crash/index.html

A bird?  looks like it hit the pentagon

(CNN)A bird struck an Arkansas hospital’s helicopter Saturday, tearing a hole into the aircraft’s nose and prompting the pilot to land early, according to officials and pictures taken after the landing.    The chopper’s pilot made a "safe landing" in that state after hitting a bird while returning to Baptist Health Center in Little Rock, Arkansas, hospital spokesman Mark Lowman said.  "I think the pilot just made a judgment call to set it down," Lowman said of the landing, which happened at 6:15 p.m. Saturday near Forrest City, Arkansas.  Video footage taken by CNN affiliate WREG showed a bird hanging out of a hole torn into the paneling on the chopper’s nose. Part of the helicopter’s windshield also was broken.  The pilot was slightly injured during the landing, and the other two crew members on board were uninjured, Lowman said.  Federal aviation officials are investigating, and the helicopter is not expected to be grounded for long, he said.  The helicopter was returning from a hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, where the crew had taken a patient  ;  http://www.cnn.com/2009/US/01/18/helicopter.bird.strike/index.html


Posted January 18, 2009 by arthur2rcasc in rsac religion politics

TWEET TWEET ; TOUCH DOWN   Leave a comment

ELEVEN – 11  X  3
Jesus Christ = 11 letters
A book written in 1981, 20 years prior to the 2001 attacks, called "The Birth of Christ Recalculated". The author, Dr. Ernest L. Martin, claims to have calculated the exact date of Jesus Christ’s birth based on the celestial charts for that era. The date of Christ’s birth, based on the famous Star of Bethlehem, is calculated to be September 11, 3 B.C.
Pyramid Numerology  http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?t=35608
  1. 11:11 x 11:11 = 1234321 (Numerical sequence ascending and descending in the fashion of a pyramid)
  2. 111 x 111 = 12321 (Pyramid number)
  3. 11 x 11 = 121 (Another pyramid number)
  4. 11 = 3 in binary arithmetic. 3 makes the cornerstones of the Trinity or pyramid
  5. *
The word cardinal comes from the Latin cardo for "hinge" and usually refers to things of fundamental importance, as in cardinal rule or cardinal sins.

The Arizona Cardinals, founded in 1898 and a charter member of the National Football League, hold the distinction of being the oldest continuously run professional football franchise in the nation.  They are based in Glendale, Arizona, just outside of Phoenix. The Cardinals are currently members of the Western Division of the National Football Conference (NFC) in the National Football League (NFL).     The Cardinals are the oldest professional American football club in the United States. This should not be confused with the longest original city team (the Green Bay Packers) because the team known now as the Arizona Cardinals was originally formed in 1898 as the Morgan Athletic Club in Chicago. The club was then called the Racine Normals since they were originally located in Normal Park on Chicago’s Racine Avenue (not Racine, Wisconsin, as mistaken in the notes from an early APFA meeting). They then changed their name to the Racine Cardinals after they started wearing dark reddish uniforms, inherited from the collegiate Chicago Maroons.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arizona_Cardinals 

The Philadelphia Eagles are a professional American football team based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. They are current members of the NFC East of the National Football Conference (NFC). The Eagles have won three NFL titles and made two Super Bowl appearances losing both (in 1980 to the Oakland Raiders and in 2004 to the New England Patriots).  With the Frankford Yellow Jackets franchise remaining dormant for an extended time, Bert Bell purchased the rights to a Philadelphia franchise in 1933. Named for a symbol of FDR’s New Deal, the Philadelphia Eagles began playhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eagles_football


Eleven is 11 (number), the smallest positive integer requiring three syllables in English. The numbers of feet in a mile (5,280), furlong (660), and chain (66) are all divisible by eleven, as are the number of yards in a mile (1,760), furlong (220), and chain (22). The number of square feet in an acre is divisible by eleven squared (43,560=11*11*360) since an acre equals a furlong by a chain.   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eleven

Number Eleven possesses the qualities of intuition, patience, honesty, sensitivity, and spirituality, and is idealistic. Others turn to people who are ‘Eleven’ for teaching and inspiration, and are usually uplifted by the experience.   In systems such as Astrology and basic Numerology, eleven is considered to be a Master Number. Eleven can also represent sin; transgression and peril. Ten being the perfect number, eleven represents the exceeding of both. It is interesting to note that eleven when broken down ( 1+1=2) comprises the Two of duality.  Number eleven is a master vibration and as such should not be reduced to a single number. People with this number could be both idealistic and visionary, and they are attracted to the unknown. They can be both unusual, interesting and magnetic personalities.   Eleven bring the gift of spiritual inheritance, is gifted as the "Light-Bearer". It is the number of the Light within all. Strengthened by the love of Peace, gentleness, sensitivity and insight. Greatest facility is the awareness of Universal relationship. Is related to the energy of Oppositions and the Balancing needed in order to achieve synthesis. Eleven is The PeaceMaker… Colours : Gold, Salmon, Prune, White and Black.   http://www.greatdreams.com/eleven/num11.htm

In mathematics, cardinal numbers, or cardinals for short, are a generalization of the natural numbers used to measure the cardinality (size) of sets. The cardinality of a finite set is a natural number, the number of elements in the set. The transfinite cardinal numbers describe the sizes of infinite sets. Cardinality is defined in terms of bijective functions. Two sets have the same cardinal number if and only if there is a bijection between them. In the case of finite sets, this agrees with the intuitive notion of size. In the case of infinite sets, the behavior is more complex. A fundamental theorem due to Georg Cantor shows that it is possible for infinite sets to have different cardinalities, and in particular the set of real numbers and the set of natural numbers do not have the same cardinal number. It is also possible for a proper subset of an infinite set to have the same cardinality as the original set, something that cannot happen with proper subsets of finite sets.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardinal_number

There is a transfinite sequence of cardinal numbers:   

The Cardinals or Cardinalidae are a family of passerine birds found in North and South America. The South American cardinals in the genus Paroaria are placed in another family, the Thraupidae (previously placed in Emberizidae).  These are robust, seed-eating birds, with strong bills. The family ranges in size from the 12-cm, 11.5-gram Orange-breasted Bunting to the 25-cm, 85-gram Black-headed Saltator. They are typically associated with open woodland. The sexes usually have distinctive appearances; the family is named for the red plumage (colored cardinal like the color of a Catholic cardinal‘s vestments) of males of the type species, the Northern Cardinalhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardinal_(bird)

The term "cardinal" at one time applied to any priest permanently assigned or incardinated to a church,  or specifically to the senior priest of an important church, based on the Latin cardo (hinge), meaning "principal" or "chief". The term was applied in this sense as early as the ninth century to the priests of the tituli (parishes) of the diocese of Rome.[1] In the twelfth century the practice of appointing ecclesiastics from outside Rome as cardinals began, with each of them being assigned a church in Rome as his titular church, or being linked with one of the suburbicarian dioceses, while still being incardinated in a diocese other than Rome.   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardinal_(Catholicism)


However, not all the numerous priests attached to these titular churches were known as cardinales, but, in keeping with the then current use of cardinalis as the equivalent of principalis (see above), only the first priest in each such church—let us say the archipresbyter. According to a constitution of John VIII, published between 873 and 882, these cardinal-priests (presbyteri cardinales) were the supervisors of ecclesiastical discipline at Rome and also ecclesiastical judges. We read in this constitution "De jure cardinalium" as follows: "Itemque ex nostrâ præsenti constitutione his in mense vel eo amplius vel apud illum vel illum titulum sive apud illam vel illam diaconiam sive apud alias quasilibet ecclesias vos convenire mandamus, et ob vestram et inferiorum clericorum vitam et mores et qualitates et habitus vestium perscrutandum et qualiter quilibet præpositi se erga subditos habeant vel quod subditi suis præpositis non obediant et ad quæque illicita amputanda, clericorum quoque et laicorum querimonias, quæ ad nostrum judicium pertinent, quantum fieri potest definiendas, quippe cum sicut nostram mansuetudinem Moysi, ita et vestram paternitatem LXX seniorum, qui sub eodem causarum negotia diiudicabant, vicissitudinem gerere, certum habeamus. Item monasteria abbatibus viduata et abbatum nostra præcedente conscientia substitutionem his, qui sunt inter vel fuerint monasticæ professionis, disponenda comittimus" (Jaffé, op. cit., no. 3366). That is, the pope commands them to meet at least twice a month, in their own or other churches, to investigate their own lives and those of the clergy, the relations of superiors and inferiors, and in general to check all violations of the laws; also to settle, as far as is possible in the papal court, all conflicts between laymen and ecclesiastics. The pope, he says, is like Moses in gentleness of government, while the administration of the cardinals recalls the paternal character of the seventy elders who sat as judges under the patriarch’s control. The pope also entrusts to them the administration of vacant abbeys and the filling of the vacant abbatial offices, but not without his foreknowledge.   http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/03333b.htm

Posted January 18, 2009 by arthur2rcasc in rsac religion politics

the money changers still hear not   Leave a comment

do you dr shuller ; as but the church has not heard ; 
you believe yourself greater than g’d mr shuller, and you rev. charlie, and you gene robinson ;
and  mr obama ; have you failed to hear ? for the army of g’d is not done ;
many claim to be the church of g’d ; but they are not ;
they put on an orange tie, a shirt, or other garment, a white hat, a bird to their robe, and say look at us we are of g’d ;
you are of deception ; you disrespect g’d in your temples ; and be haughty to his holy mountain ;
you disrespect the word in all your deeds ;  that this war is not over in heaven ;
and every day you deny the christ ; but praise his name ;
every day in the temple you give praise to g’d ; but show disrespect unto him in all that you do in the temple ;
you deceive millions to the damnation of satan ;  if gene robinson blesses this president ;
then the war will continue ; that it would continue anyway untill the robinson crawls back into the hole of hell ;
a nation unto from slavery it fought ; has become the enslaver of the people and the world ;
it will raise that what is contemptable to g’d to bless a president ; that what won’t set down his sin, but continues to blasphemy g’d and mock the christ ; then but g’d will damb this office before it has sat ;
20 is 10 / 10
seven days grace by hamas, to reply to isreal in 22 days ; is to make it then 25th ? 
as 18 and 7 are 25 ; to 11
  • 41 – After a night of negotiation, Claudius is accepted as Roman Emperor by the Senate.
  • 1327Edward III becomes King of England.
  • 1791 – The British Parliament passes the Constitutional Act of 1791 and splits the old province of Quebec into Upper and Lower Canada.
  • 1995 – The Norwegian Rocket Incident: Russia almost launches a nuclear attack after it mistakes Black Brant XII, a Norwegian research rocket, for a US Trident missile.
  • 2001 – A 50-year-old Douglas DC-3 crashes near Ciudad Bolivar, Venezuela killing 24.
  • 2006 – Three independent observing campaigns announce the discovery of OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb through gravitational microlensing, the first cool rocky/icy extrasolar planet around a main-sequence star.


    OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb is a ‘super-Earthextrasolar planet orbiting the star OGLE-2005-BLG-390L, which is situated 21,500 ± 3,300 light years away from Earth, near the center of the Milky Way galaxy. On January 25, 2006, Probing Lensing Anomalies NETwork/Robotic Telescope Network (PLANET/Robonet), Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE), and Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics (MOA) made a joint announcement of the discovery. The planet does not appear to meet conditions presumed necessary to support lifehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb

    OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb’s sun (located in the constellation Scorpius, RA 17:54:19.2, Dec −30°22′38″, J2000, 6.6 ± 1.0 kpc distance)  is thought to likely be a cool red dwarf (95% probability), or a white dwarf (4% probability), with a very slight chance that it is a neutron star or black hole (<1% probability). No matter which of these OGLE-2005-BLG-390L is, the radiant energy output would be significantly less than that of the Sun.

     The planet is estimated to be about five times Earth’s mass (5.5+5.5−2.7 ME). Some astronomers have speculated that it may have a rocky core like Earth, with a thin atmosphere. Its distance from the star, and the star’s relatively low temperature, means that the planet’s likely surface temperature is around 50 K (−223.2 °C; −369.7 °F). If it is a rocky world, this temperature would make it likely that the surface would be made of frozen volatiles, substances which would be liquids or gases on Earth: water, ammonia, methane and nitrogen would all be frozen solid. If it is not a rocky planet, it would more closely resemble an icy gas planet like Uranus, although much smaller.[4]

  • Sagittarii were auxiliary archers. Despite the longstanding contacts with, and several defeats by, Parthians and other Eastern nations for whom horse archery was tactically important, there is no definite mention of horse archers in Roman armies until the Notitia Dignitatum, after contact with the Huns. Horsed skirmishers with javelins, however, are often mentioned.[1] Presumably, before that time, most regular Roman archers were infantry.

  • The normal weapon of Roman archers, both infantry and cavalry units, was the composite bow, although Vegetius recommends training recruits "arcubus ligneis", with wooden bows, which may have been made in the northern European longbow tradition.  It has been suggested that most Roman composite bows may have been asymmetric, with lower limbs shorter than the upper.    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sagittarii


    The war in Ireland began with the rebellion of the Irish of Ulster in October 1641, during which thousands of Scots and English Protestant settlers were killed. The rebellion spread throughout the country and at Kilkenny in 1642 the association of The Confederate Catholics of Ireland was formed to organise the Irish Catholic war effort. The Confederation was essentially an independent state and was a coalition of all shades of Irish Catholic society, both Gaelic and Old English. The Irish Confederates professed to side with the English Royalists during the ensuing civil wars, but mostly fought their own war in defence of the Irish Catholic landed class’s interests.

  • http://cantlon-history.blogspot.com/

    The wars ended in the defeat of the Confederates. They and their English Royalist allies were defeated during the Cromwellian conquest of Ireland by the New Model Army under Oliver Cromwell in 1649-53.[2] The wars following the 1641 revolt caused massive loss of life in Ireland, comparable in the country’s history only with the Great Famine of the 1840s. The ultimate winner, the English parliament, arranged for the mass confiscation of land owned by Irish Catholics as punishment for the rebellion and to pay for the war. Although some of this land was returned after 1660 on the Restoration of the monarchy in England, the period marked the effective end of the old Catholic landed class.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_Confederate_Wars


  • Posted January 18, 2009 by arthur2rcasc in RSAC RELIGION

    good morning   Leave a comment

    good morning father in heaven ;
    the police were here last night, at least two cars,  not sure why they were here,  but they were in the building for quite awile, heard banging ; i think they took someone with them, i’m listening ; they were in the upper hall at one point and passed my appartment door ; the cat told me with her ears ;
    FRELIGHSBURG, Quebec — It’s a story that’s gotten attention all over the US and Canada.  Michou, a 12-year-old miniature poodle, survived for nearly three weeks, stranded in a VW Eurovan, at the Burlington International Airport’s parking garage, according to officials  old Pascal Bellon, is from Frelighsburg, Quebec. A friend there said Bellon is an animal lover, and never would have left Michou intentionally.   "When I read about it, I said, oh stupid! You can’t do this! Once I heard it was Pascal, I’ve known the man, he is an animal lover," said Laurent Gosselin.  The Burlington Police investigation found the dog was left in the van unintentionally. They issued Bellon a $100 ticket for animal cruelty. They said he agreed to relinquish the custody of the dog and pay for emergency veterinary bills.    http://www.wptz.com/cnn-news/18499164/detail.html
    Michou had no food or water during his time in the van and lost most more than half his body weight, police said.   "I feel really bad for the dog, and I really wouldn’t want it to be my dog," said Phoebe Roda.   Brian Searles, director of Aviation, said the Eurovan entered the garage on Dec. 18. Around 9:30 p.m. Jan. 6, a passenger leaving the garage noticed the poodle.   He added, "Thankfully we’ve heard that the medical attention and care that’s been provided since Jan. 6 has led to a full recovery. So we are very pleased about that," said Searles.   …………..con’t     Anyone who wishes to contribute to Michou’s ongoing recovery can call 802-540-2396.     http://www.wptz.com/news/18481942/detail.html
    CNN) — Six detainees were released from the U.S. military’s detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, the Department of Defense said Saturday. Four of the men were transferred to Iraq, one to Algeria and one to Afghanistan, a military spokesman said. They had each been detained at Guantanamo for "several years," according to the military. None of them was charged with a crime.  "The transfer is a demonstration of the United States’ desire not to hold detainees any longer than necessary," said a Department of Defense statement. "It also underscores the processes put in place to assess each individual and make a determination about their detention while hostilities are ongoing, an unprecedented step in the history of warfare."  ………con’t
     At its peak, Guantanamo held 770 people who the U.S. government believed may have been involved in terrorist activity or military action against the nation. The facility drew sharp criticism, including from Barack Obama as he campaigned for the presidency. ……..con’t    In all, 244 detainees remain at Guantanamo.  This week, a federal judge ordered the release of a man who is said to be the youngest prisoner sent to Guantanamo after he was captured in Pakistan at 14. The judge gave no timetable on when the man must be freed.   http://www.cnn.com/2009/US/01/17/gitmo.detainees/index.html 

    Posted January 18, 2009 by arthur2rcasc in rsac religion politics

    darn right   Leave a comment


    would have been single tower  two  ;  a message from the king ;  in a goose

    NEW YORK (CNN) — The pilot who landed a crippled US Airways jetliner on the Hudson River thought there would have been "catastrophic consequences" if he tried to make it to a nearby airport, a National Transportation Safety Board official said Saturday night.  http://www.cnn.com/2009/US/01/17/hudson.plane.crash/index.html


    three liken sisters ?

    The George Washington Bridge (known informally as the GW Bridge[3], the GWB[4], the GW[5], or the George[6]) is a suspension bridge spanning the Hudson River, connecting the Washington Heights neighborhood in the borough of Manhattan in New York City to Fort Lee in New Jersey by means of Interstate 95, U.S. Route 1/9. U.S. Route 46, which is entirely in New Jersey, ends halfway across the bridge at the state border. The GWB is considered one of the world’s busiest bridges in terms of vehicle traffic.[7] The bridge carried 147,912,000 vehicles in 2007, according to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey — the bi-state government agency that owns and operates several area bridges, tunnels, and airports.[1]   The GW span is the fourth longest suspension bridge in the United States. It contains two levels — an upper level with four lanes in each direction and a lower level with three lanes in each direction, for a total of 14 lanes of travel. Additionally, the bridge houses a path on each side of the bridge’s upper level for pedestrian traffic. The speed limit on the bridge is 45 mph (70 km/h), though heavy traffic frequently makes it difficult to reach such speeds, especially during the morning and evening rush hours into and out of New York City. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Washington_Bridge

      Episcopalian Church

    The Episcopal Church, sometimes called The Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, is the Province of the Anglican Communion in the United States, Honduras, Taiwan, Colombia, Ecuador, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Venezuela, the British Virgin Islands and parts of Europe.  The Church was organized shortly after the American Revolution when it was forced to break with the Church of England on penalty of treason as Church of England clergy were required to swear allegiance to the British monarch, and became, in the words of the 1990 report of the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Group on the Episcopate, "the first Anglican Province outside the British Isles".  Today it is divided into nine provinces and has dioceses outside the U.S. in Taiwan, Central and South America, the Caribbean and Europe. The Episcopal Diocese of the Virgin Islands encompasses both American and British territory.   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Episcopal_Church_(United_States)The Episcopal Church was active in the Social Gospel movement of the late nineteenth century and since the 1960s and 1970s has played a leading role in the progressive movement and on related political issues. For example, in its resolutions on state issues the Episcopal Church has opposed the death penalty, and supported the civil rights movement and affirmative action. Some of its leaders and priests marched with civil rights demonstrators. Most dioceses ordain openly gay men and women; in some, same-sex unions are celebrated. However, on other issues such as abortion, the church has taken both sides of the debate. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Episcopal_Church_(United_States)


    St. Luke’s Church, built in 1632, is the oldest surviving English church in North America.

    The Episcopal Church affirmed at the 1976 General Convention that homosexuals are "children of God" who deserve acceptance and pastoral care from the church. It also called for homosexual persons to have equal protection under secular law. This was reaffirmed in 1982. In 1994, the GC determined that church membership would not be determined on "marital status, sex, or sexual orientation". The GC also discourages the use of conversion therapy to "change" homosexuals into heterosexuals.


    Posted January 17, 2009 by arthur2rcasc in NEWS AND RELIGION

    the train is rolling   Leave a comment


    In 1964, King became the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for his work to end racial segregation and racial discrimination through civil disobedience and other non-violent means. By the time of his death in 1968, he had refocused his efforts on ending poverty and opposing the Vietnam War, both from a religious perspective.


    A nation or civilization that continues to produce soft-minded men purchases its own spiritual death on the installment plan.
    Martin Luther King, Jr.

    An individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for the law.
    Martin Luther King, Jr.

    The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict.
    Martin Luther King, Jr.

    The time is always right to do what is right.
    Martin Luther King, Jr.

    When you are right you cannot be too radical; when you are wrong, you cannot be too conservative.
    Martin Luther King, Jr.

    16 steps on the landing ; at the triangle ?

    Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809 – April 15, 1865), the sixteenth President of the United States, successfully led the country through its greatest internal crisis, the American Civil War, preserving the Union and ending slavery. Assassinated as the war was drawing to a close, Lincoln had been the first Republican elected to the Presidency. Before his presidency, he was a lawyer, an Illinois state legislator, a member of the United States House of Representatives, and twice an unsuccessful candidate for election to the Senate.   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraham_Lincoln

    well skin my skull

     Hannibal Hamlin is a African-American character in Fallout 3, who is a leader of escaped slaves. The character Hannibal Hamlin is an obvious reference to Vice President Hannibal Hamlin.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hannibal_Hamlin


    Posted January 17, 2009 by arthur2rcasc in NEWS AND RELIGION